Главная » 2015 » Август » 27 » Бен Барнс принял участие в социальной акции "Bullies Keep Out LLC"
Бен Барнс принял участие в социальной акции "Bullies Keep Out LLC"

Все знают, что наш мир несовершенен, и многие из людей подвергались насилию или издевательствам со стороны других граждан лишь только потому, что они отличаются от общепринятых стандартов. Акция "Bullies Keep Out LLC" направлена на то, чтобы показать людям, что эта социальное движение может помочь попавшим в беду объединиться, общаться, найти информацию, ресурсы, ссылки на блоги и события, форумы, поучаствовать в чатах различных сообществ. Эта народная  инициатива направлена на борьбу с издевательствами, ненавистью, против насилия в семье, насилия над животными, на борьбу с раком, наркоманией, на защиту прав человека и равенства ЛГБТ. Бен Барнс принял участие в видео ролике в поддержку кампании "Bullies Keep Out PSA", созданной Майклом Раймондом-Джеймсом, с которым Бен снимался в сериале "Сыны Свободы". Видео смотрим под катом   



Michael Raymond-James Stands Up for Bullying

Actor and advocate for Bullies Keep Out Michael Raymond-James creates this incredibly strong message for BKO. Please watch and share as every person and parent should see this. Bullies Keep Out would also like to thank everybody involved in the making of this PSA as you will find many of his friends who took time out of their schedule to be a part of this amazing work. Special thank you to Mikey for being such a beautiful soul and doing an incredible job with getting the message out. 

Thank You: 
Matthew Morse for "Sticks & Stones" Bullies Keep Out original song, Tye Alexander, David White, Sean Maguire, Donal Logue, Jamie Hector, Cree Summer, Brian Seidel, James Mendoza, Jason Momoa, Michele Knapp, Mikayla Garvin, Ben Barnes ... and of course Michael Raymond-James.

Bullies Keep Out LLC is a social movement campaign/movement with passionate initiatives designed to fight against bullying, hate, and many other causes (i.e. Domestic Abuse, Animals, Cancer, Pediatric Cancer, Addiction, Human Rights, LGBT, Equality...etc). Bullies Keep Out is for EVERYONE. BKO is also here to help the bullies as well as it is about hope, support, & those who want and need help. Everybody is a victim in some form...

The movement is a place where we can ALL come together and unite and connect all over the world to chat, find information, resources, PSA's, links, blogs, events, forum, live chat, Skype, different communities. At BKO we want to help in every way possible and touch on each and every area of bullying. Our goal is to reach out and make a difference during a time these issues have become a serious epidemic.

Each step we take towards ending bullying is a step in the right direction. The site is aimed at both youth and adults because there is no age limit when it comes to these causes. 

Those who fall prey to bullying are not alone. We must speak out and stand up to create change and end bullying. We are all susceptible no matter who we are or how old we are. 

This social media movement also partners up and works with other campaigns, projects, and organizations! Anybody who would like to volunteer their services, contribute in anyway, or have BKO for events, public appearances/public speaking please contact Bullies Keep Out on any of the sites as we are all over social media. 

Bullied individuals no longer have to keep silent. We want to give YOU a voice. Stay tuned for much more to come! #StandUp #SpeakOut #CrossOutHate

We want voices to be heard and are doing that through videos, stories, and PSA's. Please join us in our fight. 

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Категория: БУДНИ АНГЛИЙСКИХ БОЙФРЕНДОВ | Просмотров: 1353 | Добавил: murlika | Теги: социальная реклама, Благотворительность, charity, Bullies Keep Out LLC, Ben Barnes, Бен Барнс | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 1
1 Tasha • 23:33, 28.08.2015
еще один йети ... aga
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