Главная » 2013 » Сентябрь » 11 » TIFF2013: Премьера фильма "Исчезновение Элеонор Ригби: Он и Она" с Джеймсом МакЭвоем, Торонто, 09.09.2013 года
TIFF2013: Премьера фильма "Исчезновение Элеонор Ригби: Он и Она" с Джеймсом МакЭвоем, Торонто, 09.09.2013 года

Вы думаете, что Джим Джармуш фанатично оберегал свой фильм "Выживут только любовники" от спойлеров и утечки фотографий со съемок? Джармуш, по сравнению с правообладателями прав на показ фильма "Исчезновение Элеонор Ригби: Она и Он", просто сама доброжелательность, так как на кинофестивале в Каннах и трейлер показал, и отрывки из фильма, и постеры, и стиллы. А что мы знаем о фильме "Исчезновение Элеонор Ригби" кроме того, что в нем главные роли исполнили Джеймс МакЭвой и Джессика Честейн? Ничего! Все материалы строго засекречены! Проверено на себе (как только в collidre.com появились фото со съемок и постеры, сразу же разошедшиеся по просторам Интернета, мгновенно начали поступать гневные письма из Голливудской студии, чтобы убрали все фотоматериалы и не поминали этот фильм в суе...иначе...) И вот теперь мы имеем то, что имеем: один стилл не лучшего качества и премьеру фильма в Торонто, которая состоялась 09 сентября 2013 года...Под катом, как все было...



James McAvoy seen at the Toronto Airport, Canada



Jessica Chastain With James McAvoy - Variety Studio at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival - September 9, 2013

Not so long ago, two-time Oscar nominee Jessica Chastain, lest we forget, was an actress just trying to make her way into the business.

The experience of making the upcoming two-part film, "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby,” captures both her Hollywood beginnings and just how far she’s come.

"This goes back to 10 years ago,” Chastain said at the Variety Studio in Toronto on Monday. "I had won tickets to the Malibu Film Festival, when I first moved to Los Angeles. I was very excited. And I went to see the short films. There was an incredible short, just wonderful, and the actor and director were in the lobby (after) — it was Ned Benson. So I ran up to him and I said, ‘My name’s Jessica. I really want to work with you someday. Can I have my manager send you my reel?’ And then we became friends.

"It’s an emotional thing, because it’s like a dream come true remembering all of us as friends, hoping someday that we would be in the film industry and work together. And today we’re premiering it for the world, and it’s very sweet.”

"Disappearance” is divided into two parts, "Him” and "Her,” that can be seen together or separately in either order. The film is being shown in different fashions at the Toronto International Film Festival.

"The story came from just from the fact that I really just wanted to write a love story,” writer-director Benson said, "and when Jess had read that (initial) script, we started talking about the character and who that character was, and it sort of gave us the idea to try the other side of the story.”

McAvoy originally resisted doing the film, but the timing of it moving forward eventually ended up being serendipitous.

"Ned sent it to me three years ago,” McAvoy said, "and for reasons I won’t go into because it would give something important away about the story, it was at a time in my life when I could not even countenance even taking part in a film that was about this particular thing that this particular couple are going through. It was very near to me at that time in my life.

"And then two years later, another actor called Joel Edgerton was doing it, and he dropped out. Why, I don’t know — he’s out of his mind. He’s crazy not to want to work with these two,” McAvoy joked. "No, I’m sure there were real reasons. Ned sent it to me again, and it wasn’t so near to me anymore, and this amazingly sophisticated view on adult love really connected with me in a way that wasn’t scary anymore, but beautiful. And really about the trauma that we can do to each other … through love. And I thought that was really beautiful and touching.”

'The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him and Her' Premiere

Actor James McAvoy arrives at the 'The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him and Her' Premiere during the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival at The Elgin on September 9, 2013 in Toronto, Canada.



(L-R) Actress Jess Weixler, actress/ producer Jessica Chastain, Filmmaker Ned Benson, actors James McAvoy and Ciaran Hinds arrive at the 'The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him and Her' Premiere during the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival at The Elgin on September 9, 2013 in Toronto, Canada.


(L-R) Executive producers Melissa Coolidge, Brad Coolidge, producer Todd J. Labarowski and executive producer Kirk D'Amico arrive at the "The Disappearance Of Eleanor Rigby: Him And Her" Premiere during the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival at The Elgin on September 9, 2013 in Toronto, Canada



Первая часть дилогии о сложных взаимоотношениях супругов в кризисный период их семейной жизни. История будет показана с точки зрения мужчины. Вторая часть - с точки зрения женщины.

Действие разворачивается в Нью-Йорке. История мужа — владельца ресторана его и жены, которая решает продолжить учебу в колледже.


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Категория: АНГЛИЙСКОЕ КИНОНАШЕСТВИЕ | Просмотров: 2048 | Добавил: murlika | Теги: Toronto, The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby:, premiere, Джеймс МакЭвой, James McAvoy, премьера, TIFF 2013, Торонто, Variety Studio | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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